About Jake

jake pierce

As far as you’ve come to my blog, let me brief you quickly. Here, you’ll find lots of useful articles on casual dating and hookup, and your world will never be the same from now on, I promise. Are you interested in secret tactics of hookup hunt at the social media websites or specific apps? Are you a beginner in that? Don’t worry! I’ll make you aware of all the necessary stuff step by step. Start your hookup and dating landing right now!

Being an online hookup expert, I’ve been writing for HookupGuru.com for almost 5 years, I’m eager to lay the considerable part of your burden on my shoulders. I’m going to instruct you what to start with, which pickup tricks to use, and how to behave on dating and hookup sites to take maximum benefit from it. I’ll take on the tour over the casual dating scene with pleasure, so fasten your seatbelts, guys, and let’s get it started!

My Podcast Channels

spreaker logoGuide On How to Eat Pussy And Make Her Happy
podcasts com logoSex And The Coronavirus: Changes, Safety Tips, Insights
soundcloudTOP 7 Hottest Playmates On Playboy’s Covers
blubrryHow To Make An Amateur Home Video And Earn Money?

Listen Jake’s Latest Podcasts

Friends With Benefits

Guide to Finding Your Next Sex Partner

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